1,2-Dimethoxybenzene Sales Specifications:
Purity by GC: 99.0% Min
Appearance: Pale-yellow to colorless liquid
Boiling Point: 206-207 oC
Water Content by K.F.: 0.10% Max
Specific Gravity: 1.08
Packing: Isotanks and HMHDPE Drums
1,2-Dimethoxybenzene Synonyms:
1,2-Dimethoxy Benzene
Product ID: DMB-200
Physical Properties
Molecular Formula: C6H10O2
Molecular Weight: 138.16
Chemical Description
Let Us Work For You
Kessler Chemical is a leading chemical supplier and 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene (Veratrole) distributor. We offer competitive prices and prompt shipments from US stock to businesses in the US, Canada, Mexico and elsewhere. To learn more, please call (610) 758-9602, toll free at (844) 758-9602 or complete the form on the right side of the website.